
oaiharvester: refextract task fix

Authored by Georgios Papoutsakis <georgios.papoutsakis@cern.ch> on Oct 28 2014, 11:05.


oaiharvester: refextract task fix

  • Checks properly if the PDF is downloaded successfully inside the refextract task.

Reviewed-by: Jan Aage Lavik <jan.age.lavik@cern.ch>
Signed-off-by: Georgios Papoutsakis <georgios.papoutsakis@cern.ch>

Event Timeline

Georgios Papoutsakis <georgios.papoutsakis@cern.ch> committed R3600:f14768ddc588: oaiharvester: refextract task fix (authored by Georgios Papoutsakis <georgios.papoutsakis@cern.ch>).Oct 29 2014, 16:24