
deposit: refactoring bug fixes

Authored by Lars Holm Nielsen <lars.holm.nielsen@cern.ch> on Aug 21 2014, 14:15.


deposit: refactoring bug fixes

  • Fixes several JavaScript issues introduced during refactoring of assets as well as dynamic field lists.
  • Fixes tag template issue in field lists.
  • Fixes issue when appending new elements to field lists.
  • Fixes typo in message variable names.
  • Fixes uninitialized variables due to strict mode.
  • Removes Invenio CKEditor configuration as this is configured by each textarea field in the data-ckeditor-config attribute.
  • Adds SPAN-tag to whitelist of HTML-tags to support MathJax integration in CKEditor.
  • NOTE Changes deposit/form.js module to export multiple methods. If your instance templates invokes 'form(configuration)' it must be changed to 'form.init(configuration)'.

Signed-off-by: Lars Holm Nielsen <lars.holm.nielsen@cern.ch>


Event Timeline

Lars Holm Nielsen <lars.holm.nielsen@cern.ch> committed R3600:f29f9619d73c: deposit: refactoring bug fixes (authored by Lars Holm Nielsen <lars.holm.nielsen@cern.ch>).Aug 22 2014, 16:31