
BibUpload: check for already existing fulltext

Authored by Samuele Kaplun <samuele.kaplun@cern.ch> on May 17 2011, 17:57.


BibUpload: check for already existing fulltext

  • When performing an FFT append or revise of fulltext, if the file being added happen to be already attached to the record (for the corresponding bibdoc), simply ignore the file (while printing a warning) and keep on merging corresponding comments and descriptions. (closes #634)


Event Timeline

Tibor Simko <tibor.simko@cern.ch> committed R3600:f8a1ec18882f: BibUpload: check for already existing fulltext (authored by Samuele Kaplun <samuele.kaplun@cern.ch>).Jun 30 2011, 15:02