
Bug fixes: bibrank_grapher.py: / missing in the image path…

Authored by Diane Berkovits <diane.berkovits@cern.ch> on Dec 11 2006, 15:56.


Bug fixes: bibrank_grapher.py: / missing in the image path bibrank_downloads_indexer.py: for loop replace with list comprehension bibrank_downloads_grapher.py: -creation date set to locate time - 1 year when null -string.atoi replace with int -name of the curve set to "" when 245__a is misssing

Event Timeline

Diane Berkovits <diane.berkovits@cern.ch> committed R3600:fc2a6c2a35ee: Bug fixes: bibrank_grapher.py: / missing in the image path… (authored by Diane Berkovits <diane.berkovits@cern.ch>).Dec 11 2006, 15:56