Diffusion epiph 6c0ed7c9710b

completely secure integrity and permissions of question editing

Authored by patte <patrick.recher@gmail.com> on May 3 2016, 19:43.


completely secure integrity and permissions of question editing

don't allow direct access to Questionnaires
make questionForm autoForm use updateQuestion method
check via schema in methods insertQuestion and updateQuestion
throw special validationErrorQuestionInUse if something would be changed that messes with present answers
handle special error on client: show it and reset the form
check if admin for all question operations

Event Timeline

patte <patrick.recher@gmail.com> committed R7177:6c0ed7c9710b: completely secure integrity and permissions of question editing (authored by patte <patrick.recher@gmail.com>).May 3 2016, 19:43