Diffusion YCSB 5dc57b77e013

[jdbc] Separate use of JDBC batch update APIs from autoCommit

Authored by Josh Elser <elserj@apache.org> on Jun 9 2016, 02:51.


[jdbc] Separate use of JDBC batch update APIs from autoCommit

Tried to simplify the distinction between using JDBC's addBatch()/executeBatch()
API calls and "batching" updates via autoCommit=false and a manual commit() after
a given number of updates.

Breaks out flavors into their own package to reduce bloat in JdbcDBClient.

Encompasses changes from Enis Soztutar.


Event Timeline

Josh Elser <josh.elser@gmail.com> committed R7507:5dc57b77e013: [jdbc] Separate use of JDBC batch update APIs from autoCommit (authored by Josh Elser <elserj@apache.org>).Sep 28 2016, 19:16