Diffusion YCSB b945c6604385

[core] Add the RandomDiscreteTimestampGenerator to generate a range of…

Authored by Chris Larsen <clarsen@yahoo-inc.com> on Aug 7 2017, 00:53.


[core] Add the RandomDiscreteTimestampGenerator to generate a range of timestamps in a non-repeating random order. Modify UnixEpochTimestampGenerator so that the random generator can extend it.

Signed-off-by: Chris Larsen <clarsen@yahoo-inc.com>


Event Timeline

Chris Larsen <clarsen@yahoo-inc.com> committed R7507:b945c6604385: [core] Add the RandomDiscreteTimestampGenerator to generate a range of… (authored by Chris Larsen <clarsen@yahoo-inc.com>).Aug 10 2017, 06:43