Diffusion YCSB c3c1e75d211f

Merge pull request #698 from manolama/googlebigtable

Authored by Sean Busbey <sean.busbey@gmail.com> on Apr 10 2016, 21:18.


Merge pull request #698 from manolama/googlebigtable

[googlebigtable] Fix #697 by synchronizing on the static Config object

Event Timeline

Sean Busbey <sean.busbey@gmail.com> committed R7507:c3c1e75d211f: Merge pull request #698 from manolama/googlebigtable (authored by Sean Busbey <sean.busbey@gmail.com>).Apr 10 2016, 21:18

Merged Changes

d9eecd20d44dChris Larsen
[googlebigtable] Fix #697 by synchronizing on the static Config object who's… 
Apr 10 2016