
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/google/googletest

Authored by Jerry Turcios <jerryturcios08@gmail.com> on Oct 30 2018, 02:09.


Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/google/googletest

Event Timeline

Jerry Turcios <jerryturcios08@gmail.com> committed R9484:3896e3b593c3: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/google/googletest (authored by Jerry Turcios <jerryturcios08@gmail.com>).Oct 30 2018, 02:09

Merged Changes

b9347b31c338misterg/Gennadiy Civil
Googletest export 
Oct 29 2018
e9085769d481Gennadiy Civil
Merge pull request #1941 from barkovv:master 
Oct 29 2018
80b43d900b8emisterg/Gennadiy Civil
Googletest export 
Oct 29 2018
3feffddd1e83Vadim Barkov
Replaced all NULLs with nullptr in googlemock 
Oct 28 2018
53d61b5b2382Vadim Barkov
Replaced all NULLs with nullptr in googletest 
Oct 28 2018