Annotation of transcription factor binding sites using FIMO.
Provide a .bed file containing the fields: 'chrom', 'start', 'end, 'ensembl' for all genes of interest.
chrom: chromosome or scaffold (compatible with the reference genome you plan on using)
start: position of the (putative) TSS
end: start+1
ensembl: ensemblID, with or without version (that is up to the user)
Provide a TF motif file with position weight matrices in the 'meme' format.
Provide a genome in .fasta format with corresponding chromosome names
Provide a range of window widths centered around the tss (window size of 2000 = 1000bp 5' and 1000bp 3' of TSS)
Aggregate TF binding sites found for each gene and each TF in one file per window size.