highres-probe vs master
Commit | Author | Details | Committed | ||||
0f86d839a050 | rbaud | Fixed vertical scale limits bug | Feb 16 2018 | ||||
f781a603992e | rbaud | Special firmware/GUI to simply read a probe | Feb 23 2016 |
This is the software developed for the lab sessions of the "Haptics Human-Robot Interfaces" course. The most important part is the firmware of the board that controls the paddle. Two interfaces (MATLAB and C++/Qt) are also available to communicate remotely with the board.
Environment setup
Project source code
First, clone the repository using the following command: git clone ssh://git@c4science.ch/diffusion/2671/hhri-software.git.
Firmware developement environment
- Download and install Java runtime environment from Oracle's website:
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html For Windows, the "JRE" is sufficient, but you need the "JDK" for MacOSX.
- Download and install the System Workbench IDE:
- Connect the ST-LINK programmer to the computer. In case it is not recognized (check in the device manager), download and install the driver. This step is not required with MacOSX.
- Download, extract and install the USB drivers for the HRI board (more specifically, for its USB-to-UART chip). This step is not required with MacOSX.
- Import the Firmware project (HHRI-Software/Firmware/.project) into System Workbench.
MATLAB interface
MATLAB 2016b (or later) is required. The only necessary toolbox is the "Instrument Control Toolbox".
C++ interface
Go to https://www.qt.io/download-open-source/, download and install the Qt development environment for Desktop PC. When in the “Select Components” page, choose the following items:
- Qt 5.8 (or a later one if available):
- MinGW 5.3.0 32 bit (or a later one if available).
- Qt Charts
- Tools:
- MinGW 5.3.0 (the one that matches your Qt version).
- Source code organization
- Firmware/: source code of the firmware of the motorboard. Most of the work during the lab sessions will be performed in the file Firmware/src/haptic_controller.c. The Doxygen code documentation can be found in Firmware/doc/firmware_documentation.html.
- MATLAB/: mainly contains a graphical user interface to interact with the board (hri_gui.m).
- CPP/: contains a ready-to-use graphical user interface similar to the MATLAB one, and an example project that shows how to make a custom user interface. The latter will be useful for some specialization projects, if high performance is required. The Doxygen code documentation can be found in CPP/doc/cpp_interface_documentation.html.
Please contact Romain Baud for technical support, or to report bugs.
Please clone the repository, make a new branch, and send your patch files for review to Romain Baud.
This project is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. More information can be found in the NOTICE and LICENSE files.