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Wed, Sep 4, 13:17


Copyright (C) 2014 Jerome Revaud
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>
#include "deep_matching.h"
#include "std.h"
#include "conv.h"
#include "maxfilter.h"
// return size of atomic patches
int get_atomic_patch_size( const dm_params_t* params )
int upsize = (1 << params->prior_img_downscale);
return 4*upsize;
// crop dimensions to a multiple of patch_size
void get_source_shape( const int width, const int height, const int patch_size, int* res ) {
// crop the reference image to a multiple of patch size
res[0] = patch_size * int(width / patch_size);
res[1] = patch_size * int(height / patch_size);
// extract pixel descriptor for both images
void extract_image_desc( image_t* img0, image_t* img1, const dm_params_t* params,
float_layers** desc0, float_layers** desc1 )
// slightly reduce img0 size to fit the patch tiling
int patch_size = get_atomic_patch_size( params );
int size[2]; // = {width, height}
get_source_shape( img0->width, img0->height, patch_size, size );
image_crop(img0, size[0], size[1]);
// extract gradient-based information
*desc0 = extract_desc( img0, &params->desc_params, params->n_thread );
*desc1 = extract_desc( img1, &params->desc_params, params->n_thread );
void avgpool2( float_layers* hog, const dm_params_t* params )
int niter = params->prior_img_downscale;
while(niter--) {
float_layers res = empty_layers(float,hog->tx/2,hog->ty/2,hog->tz);
// replace hog by res
*hog = res;
/* compute the grid of parent cell position, and their connection to children cells
cells can be half-overlapping if <overlap>=1
<dense_step> forces the grid spacing if >0
void prepare_big_cells( const int imshape[2], int cell_size, int overlap, int child_overlap,
int_cube* child_grid, float_image* child_norms, int dense_step,
int_cube* grid, int_cube* children, float_image* norms )
int offset, step, gtx, gty;
if( dense_step ) {
step = dense_step;
offset = 0;
// we do not care if the patches are overlapping outside the image
#define grid_size(imsize) (1+imsize/step)
gtx = grid_size(imshape[0]);
gty = grid_size(imshape[1]);
#undef grid_size
} else {
// we want patches fully included in the image
offset = cell_size/2;
step = cell_size/(overlap+1);
#define grid_size(imsize) (1+MAX(0,imsize-2*offset)/step)
gtx = grid_size(imshape[0]);
gty = grid_size(imshape[1]);
#undef grid_size
*grid = empty_cube(int,gtx,gty,2);
assert(0<=overlap && overlap<=1);
int nc = pow2(2+child_overlap); // number of children per cell
if(child_grid) {
*norms = image_like(float,grid);
*children = empty_cube(int,gtx,gty,nc);
_prepare_big_cells( cell_size, offset, step, child_grid, child_norms, grid, children, norms );
void sample_patches( float_layers* hog, int_cube* pos, int patch_size, int f, float norm, int n_thread,
float_image* patches, float_array* norms )
const int npos = pos->tx*pos->ty;
int_image new_pos = empty_image(int,2,npos);
for(int i=0; i<2*npos; i++)
new_pos.pixels[i] = (pos->pixels[i]-patch_size/2)/f;
patch_size /= f;
const int nh = get_patch_desc_dim(hog,patch_size);
*patches = empty_image(float,nh,npos);
_sample_patches( hog, NULL, &new_pos, patch_size, norm, patches, norms, n_thread );
const float trans_inv = 0.9f;
void convolve_atomic_patches( float_layers* source, float_layers* target,
const dm_params_t* params, res_scale* first_level )
const int extend = 1; // slightly spatially extend response maps
const float norm = 1; // renorm patches
const int f = first_level->f; // scale factor w.r.t. original image
const int psize = first_level->patch_size; // current patch size
// first, sample patches
float_image patches = {0};
first_level->norms = image_like(float, &first_level->grid);
float_array norms_arr = {first_level->norms.pixels, (int)IMG_SIZE(&first_level->norms)};
sample_patches( source, &first_level->grid, psize, f, norm, params->n_thread, &patches, &norms_arr );
// rectify the norm to a boolean (0 or 1) (useless ?)
first_level->assign = empty_array(int,norms_arr.tx);
int n=0, tx = patches.tx;
for(int i=0; i<norms_arr.tx; i++) {
norms_arr.pixels[i] = norms_arr.pixels[i]>0;
// eliminate zero-norm patches
if( norms_arr.pixels[i] ) {
if( n < i ) // copy
memcpy( patches.pixels + n*tx, patches.pixels + i*tx, tx*sizeof(float));
first_level->assign.pixels[i] = n++;
} else
first_level->assign.pixels[i] = -1;
// convolution is not fully invariant to the image border:
// blank cells outside the image are a bit disadvantageous
if( norms_arr.pixels[i] == 0 )
norms_arr.pixels[i] = 1-trans_inv;
patches.ty = n; // update new number of valid patches
// compute the first level convolutions
fastconv( &patches, target, psize/f, params->ngh_rad/f, extend, norm, params->n_thread, first_level );
int_image* maxpool3_and_subsample2( float_layers* hog, int true_shape[2], int_image* offsets, float_layers* res, int nt )
if ( offsets->pixels == NULL )
assert( hog->tx == true_shape[0] && hog->ty == true_shape[1] );
// set downsampled size
true_shape[0] = (true_shape[0]+1)/2;
true_shape[1] = (true_shape[1]+1)/2;
assert( true_shape[0]>0 && true_shape[1]>0 );
if ( offsets->pixels == NULL ) {
// joint max-pooling and subsampling
*res = empty_layers(float, true_shape[0], true_shape[1], hog->tz);
_max_filter_3_and_subsample_layers( hog, res, nt );
return NULL;
} else {
// with offsets
float_layers maxpooled_hog = layers_like(float, hog);
_max_filter_3_layers( hog, &maxpooled_hog, nt );
// slightly bigger, so that mininum size always >= 2
int width = (hog->tx+2)/2;
int height = (hog->ty+2)/2;
*res = empty_layers(float, width, height, hog->tz);
_subsample2_offset( &maxpooled_hog, offsets, res, nt );
// compute new offsets
int_image* res_offsets = NEW(int_image);
*res_offsets = image_like(int, offsets);
for(long i=0; i<IMG_SIZE(offsets); i++)
res_offsets->pixels[i] = (int)floor( offsets->pixels[i]/2.f );
return res_offsets;
#define CHECK_MAPS(rmaps) assert(min_array_f((rmaps)->pixels,LAYERS_SIZE(rmaps))>=0 && \
/* aggregate response maps of children patches to form response maps of parent patches */
int sparse_conv( int_cube* children, int_array* children_assign, float_image* child_norms,
int true_patch_size, float_layers* map, int_image* offsets, int nt,
res_scale* res )
float_layers ext_map;
if( MIN(map->tx,map->ty) < 5 ) {
ext_map = zeros_layers(float,MAX(5,map->tx),MAX(5,map->ty),map->tz);
for(int l=0; l<map->tz; l++)
for(int j=0; j<map->ty; j++)
for(int i=0; i<map->tx; i++)
ext_map.pixels[(l*ext_map.ty + j)*ext_map.tx + i] = map->pixels[(l*map->ty + j)*map->tx + i];
map = &ext_map;
res->true_shape[0] = ext_map.tx;
res->true_shape[1] = ext_map.ty;
int_image _children = reshape_z_xy(int, &res->children);
if( offsets )
res->offsets = empty_image(int, 2, _children.ty);
res->res_map = empty_layers(float, map->tx, map->ty, _children.ty);
int gap = true_patch_size / 4;
float_array _norms = reshape_xy(float, &res->norms);
float_array _child_norms = reshape_xy(float, child_norms);
// allocate useless assign
res->assign = empty_array(int, res->;
for(int i=0; i<res->assign.tx; i++) res->assign.pixels[i] = i;
int_array* _assign = NULL;
int_array* _ch_assign = children_assign->pixels ? children_assign : NULL;
int n = _sparse_conv( &_children, _ch_assign, gap, trans_inv, map, offsets,
&_child_norms, &_norms, _assign, &res->res_map, &res->offsets, nt );
if(map==&ext_map) free(ext_map.pixels);
return n;
res_scale new_pyramid_level(int f, int psize)
res_scale res = {0}; // initialize everything to 0/NULL
res.f = f; // subsampling factor with respect to original image size
res.patch_size = psize; // patch size in original image coordinates
return res;
// Compute the multi-scale pyramid response
void compute_matching_pyr( float_layers* source, float_layers* target, const dm_params_t* params,
matching_pyramid_t& res_maps )
const int src_shape[2] = {source->tx, source->ty};
int L = 0; // current pyramid level
const int atomic_psize = get_atomic_patch_size( params );
int psize = atomic_psize; // will grow by a factor 2 at each level
int f = psize/4; // initial scaling factor
// subsample if needed
avgpool2( source, params );
avgpool2( target, params );
res_scale *child, *last = &res_maps[res_maps.size()-1];
// compute the initial patches in source image
if( params->verbose ) std_printf("layer %d, patch_size = %dx%d\n", L, psize, psize);
prepare_big_cells( src_shape, psize, params->overlap<L+1, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, &last->grid, NULL, NULL );
convolve_atomic_patches( source, target, params, last );
if( params->verbose )
std_printf("remaining %ld big cells (actually, %d are unique)\n", IMG_SIZE(&last->grid), last->;
// non-linear correction
if( params->nlpow>0 )
fastipow( &last->res_map, params->nlpow, params->n_thread );
const int dense_step = params->subsample_ref ? 0 : psize/(1+(params->overlap<1));
// aggregate patches for all subsequent levels
while( 2*psize <= MIN(params->max_psize, MAX(src_shape[0], src_shape[1])) ) {
f *= 2;
psize *= 2;
child = &res_maps[res_maps.size()-2]; // previous level
last = &res_maps[res_maps.size()-1]; // current level
if( params->verbose ) std_printf("layer %d, patch_size = %dx%d\n", L, psize, psize);
// max pooling + subsampling
last->true_shape[0] = child->true_shape[0]; // will be modified in subsampled2()
last->true_shape[1] = child->true_shape[1];
float_layers subs_res_map = {0};
int_image* offsets = maxpool3_and_subsample2( &child->res_map, last->true_shape, &child->offsets,
&subs_res_map, params->n_thread );
// build the set of patches at this scale
prepare_big_cells( src_shape, psize, params->overlap<L+1, params->overlap<L,
&child->grid, &child->norms, dense_step, &last->grid, &last->children, &last->norms );
// aggregate children response maps to form parent response maps
sparse_conv( &last->children, &child->assign, &child->norms, psize/f, &subs_res_map, offsets,
params->n_thread, last );
if( params->verbose )
std_printf("remaining %ld big cells (actually, %d are unique)\n", IMG_SIZE(&last->grid), last->;
// non-linear correction
if( params->nlpow>0 )
fastipow(&last->res_map, params->nlpow, params->n_thread );
void free_matching_pyramid( matching_pyramid_t& res_maps ) {
unsigned int i;
for(i=0; i<res_maps.size(); i++) {
res_scale& level = res_maps[i];
#ifdef __APPLE__
static int arg_sort_maxima(void* arr, const void* a, const void* b) {
float diff = ((float*)arr)[5*(*(int*)a)+4] - ((float*)arr)[5*(*(int*)b)+4];
return (diff<0) - (diff>0); // descending order
static int arg_sort_maxima(const void* a, const void* b, void* arr) {
float diff = ((float*)arr)[5*(*(int*)a)+4] - ((float*)arr)[5*(*(int*)b)+4];
return (diff<0) - (diff>0); // descending order
void reorder_rows( int_image* img, int_array* order )
const int tx = img->tx;
int_image res = image_like(int, img);
for(int i=0; i<order->tx; i++)
memcpy(res.pixels + i*tx, img->pixels+order->pixels[i]*tx, tx*sizeof(int));
*img = res;
// return points corresponding to patch matches
int_image* find_optimal_matchings( matching_pyramid_t& mp, const dm_params_t* params )
const int nobordure = 0;
int_image* maxima = NEW(int_image);
int_array order = {0};
if( params->maxima_mode ) { // normal process: maxima detection
float th=0;
int check_parents=false, check_children=false;
float_array sc_maxima = empty_array(float,int(mp.size()));
for(unsigned int i=0; i<mp.size(); i++) sc_maxima.pixels[i]=1; // useless but well
_extract_maxima(, mp.size(), &sc_maxima, th, params->min_level, params->nlpow,
check_parents, check_children, nobordure, maxima, params->n_thread );
order = empty_array(int,maxima->ty);
for(int i=0; i<maxima->ty; i++) order.pixels[i] = maxima->ty-1-i; // last first
} else { // we just analyse all cells at the top level
const float_layers* rmap = &mp[mp.size()-1].res_map;
const int tx = rmap->tx, txy=tx*rmap->ty;
*maxima = empty_image(int, 5, (int)LAYERS_SIZE(rmap));
for(int i=0; i<maxima->ty; i++) {
int* row = maxima->pixels + 5*i;
row[0] = mp.size()-1; // pyramid level
row[1] = i/txy; // layer number
row[2] = i%tx; // x position
row[3] = (i%txy)/tx; // y position
((float*)row)[4] = rmap->pixels[i];
order = empty_array(int,maxima->ty);
for(int i=0; i<maxima->ty; i++) order.pixels[i] = i;
#ifdef __APPLE__
qsort_r(order.pixels, maxima->ty, sizeof(int), maxima->pixels, arg_sort_maxima);
qsort_r(order.pixels, maxima->ty, sizeof(int), arg_sort_maxima, maxima->pixels);
if( params->verbose>0 )
std_printf("found %d local matches\n",maxima->ty);
// reorder maxima
reorder_rows( maxima, &order );
return maxima;
static inline float ptdot( const float* m, float x, float y ) {
return x*m[0] + y*m[1] + m[2];
void apply_rot( float_cube* corres, float rot[6] ) {
assert( corres->tz == 6 );
const int nb = IMG_SIZE(corres);
float* p = corres->pixels;
for(int i=0; i<nb; i++) {
// only apply to coordinates of the first image
float x = p[0], y = p[1];
p[0] = ptdot(rot+0, x, y);
p[1] = ptdot(rot+3, x, y);
p += 6;
/* this function gather correspondences from each local maximum in the
response maps
float_image* gather_correspondences( int src_shape[2], int target_shape[2],
matching_pyramid_t& scales, int_image* maxima,
const dm_params_t* params, full_corres_t* corres_out )
const int step = 4*scales[0].f; // bin size
const int n_scales = (int)scales.size();
const int tx = maxima->tx;
const int n_maxima = maxima->ty;
float_cube corres0 = zeros_cube(float, (src_shape[0]+step-1)/step, (src_shape[1]+step-1)/step,6);
float_cube corres1 = zeros_cube(float, (target_shape[0]+step-1)/step, (target_shape[1]+step-1)/step,6);
int i;
// allocate temporary optimization maps
for(i=0; i<n_scales; i++) {
long size = LAYERS_SIZE(&scales[i].res_map);
if( params->low_mem && size > 1000003 ) size = 1000003; // big prime
assert( size <= 2147483647 || !"try using -mem parameter");
scales[i].passed = zeros_array(float, (int)size);
#if defined(USE_OPENMP)
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,1) num_threads(params->n_thread)
for(i=0; i<n_maxima; i++) {
if(params->verbose && i%100==0) std_printf("\rgathering correspondences %d%%...",100*i/n_maxima);
int* m = maxima->pixels + tx*i;
int level = m[0], num_map = m[1];
int x = m[2], y = m[3];
if( scales[level].offsets.pixels ) {
// add offset to form real image coordinates
x += scales[level].offsets.pixels[2*num_map+0];
y += scales[level].offsets.pixels[2*num_map+1];
if( params->scoring_mode ) // new mode
_argmax_correspondences(, level, num_map, x, y, ((float*)m)[4],
&corres0, step, &corres1, step, i );
else // old iccv mode
_argmax_correspondences_v1(, level, num_map, x, y, m[0]*((float*)m)[4],
&corres0, step, &corres1, step, i );
// free optimization maps
for(i=0; i<n_scales; i++) {
free( scales[i].passed.pixels );
scales[i].passed.pixels = NULL;
if(params->verbose) std_printf("\n");
if( params->rot45 ) { // rectify correspondences
assert( corres_out );
apply_rot( &corres0, corres_out->rot );
apply_rot( &corres1, corres_out->rot );
// keep only reciprocal matches
int nres;
float* corres = _intersect_corres( &corres0, &corres1, &nres );
float_image* res = NEW(float_image);
*res = (float_image){corres, 6, nres};
if( corres_out == NULL ) {
else { // save unfiltered correspondences
corres_out->corres0 = corres0;
corres_out->corres1 = corres1;
return res;
void eye_rot3x3( float rot[6] ) {
memset( rot, 0, 6*sizeof(float));
rot[0] = rot[4] = 1;
inline float bilinear_interp(const float* img, const int tx, const int ty, float x, float y ) {
if( x < 0 || x+1.001 >= tx ) return 0; // outside
if( y < 0 || y+1.001 >= ty ) return 0; // outside
int ix = int(x);
int iy = int(y);
img += ix + iy*tx; // move pointer
float rx = x - ix;
float ry = y - iy;
return (1-ry)*((1-rx)*img[0] + rx*img[1]) +
ry *((1-rx)*img[tx]+ rx*img[tx+1]);
void scale_rot3x3( float rot[6], float sc ) {
for(int i=0; i<6; i++)
rot[i] *= sc;
void inv_rot3x3( float rot[6], float res[6] ) {
assert( fabs((rot[0]*rot[4] - rot[1]*rot[3]) - 1) < 1e-6 );
// because rot is unitary, invert == transpose
res[0] = rot[0];
res[1] = rot[3];
res[3] = rot[1];
res[4] = rot[4];
res[2] = -rot[2]*rot[0] - rot[5]*rot[3];
res[5] = -rot[2]*rot[1] - rot[5]*rot[4];
// rotate a descriptor HOG image by a given angle
float_layers* rotate45( float_layers* hog, const dm_params_t* params, full_corres_t* corres_out ) {
assert( corres_out ); // we need it to write rot !
const int patch_size = get_atomic_patch_size( params );
const int n_rot45 = params->rot45;
if( (n_rot45 % 8) == 0 ) { // nothing to do
eye_rot3x3( corres_out->rot );
return hog;
const int tx = hog->tx;
const int ty = hog->ty;
// rotation matrix
float angle = n_rot45 * M_PI / 4;
float c = cos(angle), s = sin(angle);
float rot[6] = {c, -s, 0, s, c, 0};
// pt_in_original_image = rot * pt_in_rotated_image
// determine center of rotation before
float cx_before = tx/2.0;
float cy_before = ty/2.0;
// determine center of rotation after
float corners[2][4] = {{0, (float)tx, (float)tx, 0}, {0, 0, (float)ty, (float)ty}};
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { // rotate corners
float x = corners[0][i], y = corners[1][i];
corners[0][i] = ptdot(rot+0, x, y);
corners[1][i] = ptdot(rot+3, x, y);
int rot_size[2] = {int(0.5 + max_array_f(corners[0], 4) - min_array_f(corners[0], 4)),
int(0.5 + max_array_f(corners[1], 4) - min_array_f(corners[1], 4)) };
get_source_shape( rot_size[0], rot_size[1], patch_size, rot_size );
float cx_after = rot_size[0]/2.0;
float cy_after = rot_size[1]/2.0;
// compute the translation
rot[2] = cx_before - ptdot(rot+0, cx_after, cy_after);
rot[5] = cy_before - ptdot(rot+3, cx_after, cy_after);
// create result
assert( hog->tz == 9 );
float_layers* rot_hog = NEW(float_layers);
*rot_hog = empty_layers(float, rot_size[0], rot_size[1], 9);
for(int c=0; c<hog->tz; c++) {
const int src_c = (c<8) ? int((c+n_rot45+256)%8) : c; // roll channels except for last one (see hog.h)
const float* f = hog->pixels + src_c * IMG_SIZE(hog);
float* p = rot_hog->pixels + c * IMG_SIZE(rot_hog);
for(int y=0; y<rot_size[1]; y++)
for(int x=0; x<rot_size[0]; x++) {
float rx = ptdot( rot+0, x, y);
float ry = ptdot( rot+3, x, y);
*p++ = bilinear_interp(f, tx, ty, rx, ry );
// output inverted rot
memcpy( corres_out->rot, rot, 6*sizeof(float) );
return rot_hog;
// set default parameters
void set_default_dm_params( dm_params_t* params )
// pixel descriptor params
set_default_desc_params( &params->desc_params );
// general parameters
params->prior_img_downscale = 1; // resolution R = 1/2^downscale, default = 1/2
params->rot45 = 0; // don't rotate the first image
params->overlap = 999; // don't use overlapping patches
params->subsample_ref = false; // don't subsample patches in reference image (=first image)
params->nlpow = 1.4;
params->ngh_rad = 0; // no limit by default
params->maxima_mode = 0; // don't use maxima, just start from all top patches
params->min_level = 2; // useless
params->max_psize = 999; // maximum patch size
params->low_mem = true; // optimize mem but then results are slightly unstable/non-reproducible
params->verbose = 0;
params->scoring_mode = 1; // improved scoring scheme
params->n_thread = 1; // no multithreading by default
// main function
float_image* deep_matching( image_t* img0, image_t* img1, const dm_params_t* params, full_corres_t* corres_out )
cout << "###########################################################" << endl;
// verify parameters
cout << "###########################################################" << endl;
// extract pixel descriptors
float_layers *source, *target;
extract_image_desc( img0, img1, params, &source, &target );
if( corres_out ) // the first image is rotated
source = rotate45( source, params, corres_out );
int src_shape[2] = {source->tx, source->ty};
assert( LAYERS_SIZE(source) > 0 );
int target_shape[2] = {target->tx, target->ty};
assert( LAYERS_SIZE(target) > 0 );
cout << "###########################################################" << endl;
// compute local matchings
matching_pyramid_t matching_pyr;
compute_matching_pyr( source, target, params, matching_pyr );
cout << "###########################################################" << endl;
// find optmial matchings (maxima)
int_image* maxima = find_optimal_matchings(matching_pyr, params);
cout << "###########################################################" << endl;
// select the best displacements (maxpool merge)
float_image* corres = gather_correspondences( src_shape, target_shape, matching_pyr, maxima, params, corres_out );
cout << "###########################################################" << endl;
// free everything
return corres;
void swap_first_second_img( float_cube* corres ) {
assert( corres->tz == 6 );
const int nb = IMG_SIZE(corres);
float* p = corres->pixels;
for(int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
float a = p[0];
float b = p[1];
float c = p[2];
float d = p[3];
*p++ = c;
*p++ = d;
*p++ = a;
*p++ = b;
p += 2;
void rescale_corres( float_cube* corres, float f0, float f1, int code ) {
assert( corres->tz == 6 );
const int nb = IMG_SIZE(corres);
float* p = corres->pixels;
for(int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
p[0] *= f0;
p[1] *= f0;
p[2] *= f1;
p[3] *= f1;
p[5] = code;
p += 6;
// set default parameters
void set_default_scalerot_params( scalerot_params_t* params ) {
params->fast = true;
params->min_sc0 = 0; // scale = 2^(-0/2) = 1
params->max_sc0 = 5; // scale = 2^(-5/2) = 0.176
params->min_sc1 = 0;
params->max_sc1 = 5;
params->min_rot = 0; // rot = 0*45 = 0
params->max_rot = 8; // rot = 8*45 = 360
// main function for scale/rotation invariant version
float_image* deep_matching_scale_rot( image_t* img0, image_t* img1, dm_params_t* params,
const scalerot_params_t* sr_params ) {
// verify parameters
assert(sr_params->min_sc0 < sr_params->max_sc0);
assert(sr_params->min_sc1 < sr_params->max_sc1);
assert(between(0, sr_params->min_sc0, 5));
assert(between(0, sr_params->max_sc0, 5));
assert(between(0, sr_params->min_sc1, 5));
assert(between(0, sr_params->max_sc1, 5));
assert(sr_params->min_rot >= 0);
assert(between(1,sr_params->max_rot - sr_params->min_rot, 8));
// init shape
const int psize = get_atomic_patch_size(params);
int imshape0[2];
get_source_shape( img0->width, img0->height, psize, imshape0 );
int imshape1[2] = {img1->width, img1->height};
// check dm params to ensure everything goes fine from now on
#define mean_dim(shape) ((shape[0] + shape[1])/2)
params->max_psize = MIN(mean_dim(imshape0), mean_dim(imshape1));
const int verbose = params->verbose;
params->verbose = MAX(0, verbose - 1); // decrease for inner deepmatchings
// prepare output
const int step0 = psize/2;
const int step1 = psize/2;
float_cube all_corres0 = zeros_cube(float, (imshape0[0]+step0/2-1)/step0, (imshape0[1]+step0/2-1)/step0, 6);
float_cube all_corres1 = zeros_cube(float, (imshape1[0]+step1/2-1)/step1, (imshape1[1]+step1/2-1)/step1, 6);
full_corres_t out;
const int NS = 5;
image_t *scaled_images1[NS] = {NULL};
// loop over all scale*rot combinations
for(int sc0 = sr_params->min_sc0;
sc0 < sr_params->max_sc0;
sc0++) {
const float scale0 = pow(2, -0.5*sc0 ); // scale factor for img0
assert( scale0<=1 && sc0<5 );
image_t* scaled_img0 = ( scale0 >= 1 ) ? img0 :
image_resize_bilinear_scale( img0, scale0 );
for(int sc1 = sr_params->min_sc1;
sc1 < sr_params->max_sc1;
sc1++) {
const float scale1 = pow(2, -0.5*sc1 ); // scale factor for img1
assert( scale1<=1 && sc1<5 );
// optimization, deactivate only if eg. both images are blurry
if( sr_params->fast && !(scale0==1 || scale1==1)) continue;
image_t* scaled_img1 = scaled_images1[sc1 - sr_params->min_sc1];
if( scaled_img1 == NULL ) {
scaled_img1 = ( scale1 >= 1 ) ? img1 :
image_resize_bilinear_scale( img1, scale1 );
// remember result
scaled_images1[sc1 - sr_params->min_sc1] = scaled_img1;
for(int rotation = sr_params->min_rot;
rotation < sr_params->max_rot;
rotation++) {
assert( rotation >= 0 );
const int rot_scale_code = 8*(sc1*5+sc0) + (rotation%8); // cannot be negative, because of bin count
if( verbose )
std_printf( "processing scale = (x%g, x%g) + rotation = %d deg (code %d)...\n",
scale0, scale1, 45*rotation, rot_scale_code);
float rot0[6], rot1[6];
// compute correspondences with rotated+scaled image
#define max_dim(img) MAX(img->width, img->height)
if( max_dim(scaled_img0) >= max_dim(scaled_img1) ) { // first image is always the largest
params->rot45 = rotation;
float_image* corres = deep_matching(scaled_img0, scaled_img1, params, &out );
free_image( corres ); // we don't care
inv_rot3x3(out.rot, rot0);
} else { // scaled_img1 is larger
params->rot45 = -rotation;
float_image* corres = deep_matching(scaled_img1, scaled_img0, params, &out );
free_image( corres ); // we don't care
// swap first and second image coordinates
memswap( &out.corres0, &out.corres1, sizeof(float_cube) );
swap_first_second_img( &out.corres0 );
swap_first_second_img( &out.corres1 );
inv_rot3x3(out.rot, rot1);
// change scale of correspondences
rescale_corres( &out.corres0, 1/scale0, 1/scale1, rot_scale_code );
rescale_corres( &out.corres1, 1/scale0, 1/scale1, rot_scale_code );
scale_rot3x3(rot0, scale0);
scale_rot3x3(rot1, scale1);
// merge correspondences in the reference frame
merge_corres( rot0, rot1,
psize, psize, &out.corres0, &out.corres1, 2,
step0, step1, &all_corres0, &all_corres1 ); // finer grid for merge
// free memory
if( img0 != scaled_img0 )
image_delete( scaled_img0 );
// final intersection
int nres;
float* corres = _intersect_corres( &all_corres0, &all_corres1, &nres );
float_image* res = NEW(float_image);
*res = (float_image){corres, 6, nres};
// free memory
for(int i=0; i<NS; i++)
if( scaled_images1[i] != img1 )
image_delete( scaled_images1[i] );
return res;

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