features/solver-rewrite vs master
Commit | Author | Details | Committed | ||||
9a7c04e6e28c | anciaux | making the default with both mumps and petsc | Oct 23 | ||||
9d3ef4b4bb0b | anciaux | clean the enums for nls | Oct 22 | ||||
b0fd345654b6 | anciaux | cleaning code for petsc nls | Oct 22 | ||||
19ae456df4ad | anciaux | working petsc nls | Oct 22 | ||||
f13c2d844057 | anciaux | alow to restore solution state in model for petsc nls | Oct 22 | ||||
c34d4e7e79bd | anciaux | fix init bug in sparse Petsc matrix | Oct 22 | ||||
f9194dc804a0 | anciaux | modernize code to c++-17 | Oct 22 | ||||
a9550d024bb3 | anciaux | adding a possibility to use local petsc | Oct 22 | ||||
6f86cbde5caf | anciaux | still try to debug the nsl solver | Oct 21 | ||||
b25081088911 | anciaux | c++ 17 style | Oct 20 |
Akantu: Swiss-Made Open-Source Finite-Element Library
![joss](https://joss.theoj.org/papers/3abf3c7945cc9a016a946ce9e02e357f) ![license](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.en.html) ![readthedoc](https://akantu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=master)
Akantu means a little element in Kinyarwanda, a Bantu language. From now on it is also an open-source object-oriented library which has the ambition to be generic and efficient. Even though the code is written to be generic, Akantu strength are in solid mechanics models for fracture and contact simulations.
The full documentation can be found on ReadTheDocs
Building Akantu
In order to compile Akantu any compiler supporting fully C++14 should work. In addition some libraries are required:
- CMake (>= 3.5.1)
- Boost (pre-processor and Spirit)
- zlib
- Eigen3 (if not present the build system will try to download it)
For the python interface:
- Python (>=3 is recommended)
- pybind11 (if not present the build system will try to download it)
To run parallel simulations:
- Scotch
To use the static or implicit dynamic solvers at least one of the following libraries is needed:
- MUMPS (since this is usually compiled in static you also need MUMPS dependencies)
To compile the tests and examples:
- Gmsh
- google-test (if not present the build system will try to download it)
On .deb based systems
sh > sudo apt install cmake libboost-dev zlib1g-dev gmsh libeigen3-dev # For parallel > sudo apt install mpi-default-dev libmumps-dev libscotch-dev # For sequential > sudo apt install libmumps-seq-dev
Using conda
This works only for sequential computation since mumps from conda-forge is compiled without MPI support
sh > conda create -n akantu > conda activate akantu > conda install boost cmake > conda install -c conda-forge mumps
Using homebrew
sh > brew install gcc > brew install boost@1.76 > brew tap brewsci/num > brew install brewsci-mumps --without-brewsci-parmetis
If it does not work you can edit url to http://graal.ens-lyon.fr/MUMPS/MUMPS_5.3.5.tar.gz using the command:
sh > brew edit brewsci/num
Configuring and compilation
Akantu is a CMake project, so to configure it, you can follow the usual way:
sh > cd akantu > mkdir build > cd build > ccmake .. [ Set the options that you need ] > make > make install
On Mac OS X with homebrew
You will need to specify the compiler explicitly:
sh > CC=gcc-12 CXX=g++-12 FC=gfortran-12 cmake ..
Considering the homebrew is installed in /opt/homebrew Define the location of the `Scotch` library path:
sh > cmake .. -DSCOTCH_LIBRARY="/opt/homebrew/lib/libscotch.dylib;/opt/homebrew/lib/libscotcherr.dylib;/opt/homebrew/lib/libscotcherrexit.dylib"
Specify path to all `MUMPS` libraries:
sh > cmake .. -DMUMPS_DIR=/opt/homebrew/opt/brewsci-mumps
In case the above does not work, specify the `MUMPS` path manually using (e.g.):
sh > cmake .. -DMUMPS_LIBRARY_COMMON=/opt/homebrew/opt/brewsci-mumps/lib/libmumps_common.dylib
If compilation does not work change the path of the failing libraries to brew downloads in /opt/homebrew/.
Using the python interface
You can install `Akantu` using pip, this will install a pre-compiled version, this works only on Linux machines for now:
sh > pip install akantu
You can then import the package in a python script as:
python import akantu
The python API is similar to the C++ one. If you encounter any problem with the python interface, you are welcome to do a merge request or post an issue on GitLab.
Contributing new features, bug fixes
Any contribution is welcome, we are trying to follow a gitflow workflow, so the project developers can create branches named features/<name of my feature> or bugfixes/<name of the fix> directly in the main akantu repository. External fellows can Fork the project. In both cases the modifications have to be submitted in the form of a Merge Request.
Asking for help, reporting issues
If you want to ask for help concerning Akantu's compilation, usage or problem with the code do not hesitate to open an Issue on gitlab. If you want to contribute and don't know where to start, you are also invited to open an issue.
Tutorials with the python interface
To help getting started, multiple tutorials using the python interface are available as notebooks with pre-installed version of Akantu on Renku. The tutorials can be tested here: