| Commit | | | Author | Details | Committed |
| 54d319e1c23d | | | Aurelia Cuba Ramos | examples for non-local in parallel added | Nov 25 2015 |
| 54e599859086 | | | Aurelia Cuba Ramos | Non-local development completed in parallel, neighborhood for iterative damage… | Oct 15 2015 |
| 31bc1f38dee0 | | | Aurelia Cuba Ramos | Non-local modifications completed | Oct 8 2015 |
| 2489c7e7c17f | | | Aurelia Cuba Ramos | WeightFunction removed from MaterialNonLocal | Oct 7 2015 |
| 6971d6cdb6f8 | | | Aurelia Cuba Ramos | bug fix in parser, non-local modifications continued | Oct 6 2015 |
| f53070fb66ff | | | Aurelia Cuba Ramos | Operators in quadrature point class corrected, non-local modifications… | Oct 2 2015 |
| 9aef3a008b31 | | | Aurelia Cuba Ramos | Non-local modifications continued: Computation of weights now independent of… | Oct 1 2015 |
| f684c1ff93ec | | | Aurelia Cuba Ramos | development of non-local toolbox started: make non-local averaging generic and… | Sep 26 2015 |