
Added python version of my_first_test

Authored by Benoit LE <benoit.le@ec-nantes.fr> on Jan 26 2024, 10:51.


Added python version of my_first_test

Added damage updates using python solver.

Other updates:

  • Started to split MaterialCohesiveDamage into MaterialCohesiveDamageIntrinsic (for implicit - corresponds to former version of MaterialCohesiveDamage) and MaterialCohesiveDamageExtrinsinc (for explicit - does not work for the moment)
  • Modification when creating lambda : one lambda for each node of each czm element


Event Timeline

Benoit LE <benoit.le@ec-nantes.fr> committed rAKAe11a0bbd4a71: Added python version of my_first_test (authored by Benoit LE <benoit.le@ec-nantes.fr>).Jan 26 2024, 10:51