
Merge branch 'master' of gitolite-richart:akantu

Authored by richart on Oct 16 2015, 12:07.


Merge branch 'master' of gitolite-richart:akantu


richartOct 16 2015, 12:07
richartDec 6 2019, 13:35
richartDec 6 2019, 13:16
richartDec 6 2019, 12:16
richartDec 6 2019, 11:45
richartDec 5 2019, 22:54
richartDec 5 2019, 18:45
rAKA154ab8ac06e4: fixing the python interface due to renaming of QuadraturePoint
rAKA4cd8f6df144d: Adding aiterable type on element kinds

Merged Changes

154ab8ac06e4Aurelia Cuba Ramos
fixing the python interface due to renaming of QuadraturePoint 
Oct 15 2015
6f67b4f45472Aurelia Cuba Ramos
resolved linking problem when compiling without non-local 
Oct 15 2015
2e3270d32fc9Aurelia Cuba Ramos
Merge branch 'master' of lsmssrv1.epfl.ch:akantu 
Oct 15 2015
54e599859086Aurelia Cuba Ramos
Non-local development completed in parallel, neighborhood for iterative damage… 
Oct 15 2015
oupssss this is not supposed to be here, DO NOT READ 
Oct 15 2015
removing hydropressure function 
Oct 15 2015
last year devs on swig for solidmechanics model 
Oct 15 2015
python examples 
Oct 9 2015
Merge branch 'master' of lsmssrv1.epfl.ch:users/fabarras/dev/akantu_students 
Oct 9 2015
97501d7a13f3Marco Vocialta
Updating submodules link 
Oct 9 2015
b056556fd224Clement Roux
Merge branch 'master' of lsmssrv1.epfl.ch:akantu 
Oct 8 2015
8e29c7fb9311Clement Roux
addition of test material mazrars 
Oct 8 2015
doxygen comments for material class (ticket 47) - to close 
Oct 8 2015
2d08200f3ffdAurelia Cuba Ramos
Merge branch 'master' of lsmssrv1.epfl.ch:akantu 
Oct 8 2015
b05e145d997eAurelia Cuba Ramos
modifications to make non-local averaging work in parallel: unique tag 
Oct 8 2015
a0b28f5877ffAurelia Cuba Ramos
generic neighborhood class added 
Oct 8 2015
31bc1f38dee0Aurelia Cuba Ramos
Non-local modifications completed 
Oct 8 2015
2489c7e7c17fAurelia Cuba Ramos
WeightFunction removed from MaterialNonLocal 
Oct 7 2015
6971d6cdb6f8Aurelia Cuba Ramos
bug fix in parser, non-local modifications continued 
Oct 6 2015
072d5639001cMarco Vocialta
Fixing a memory leak 
Oct 5 2015
e23a7bad59caMarco Vocialta
Another compilation fix 
Oct 5 2015
b0c536d0a064Marco Vocialta
Compilation bug fix 
Oct 5 2015
e277f6c7cbb8Marco Vocialta
Merge branch 'master' of lsmssrv1.epfl.ch:akantu 
Oct 4 2015
db26bbacce3fMarco Vocialta
Bug fix to prevent the cohesive element inserter from increasing the global… 
Oct 4 2015
733b401f9a72Marco Vocialta
Creation of a class to update the global connectivity in parallel, important… 
Oct 2 2015
f53070fb66ffAurelia Cuba Ramos
Operators in quadrature point class corrected, non-local modifications… 
Oct 2 2015
some doxygen additions (ticket 47) 
Oct 1 2015
double cantilever beam simulations 
Oct 1 2015
9aef3a008b31Aurelia Cuba Ramos
Non-local modifications continued: Computation of weights now independent of… 
Oct 1 2015
420a05dec8baMarco Vocialta
Oct 1 2015
f6a3b9d67f7fMarco Vocialta
Change of events in the mesh sphere intersector and new function to substitute… 
Oct 1 2015
7ccdf3d721ecClement Roux
igfem renumbering of segment ID from 1 to from 0 
Sep 30 2015
07bbbfc827a7Clement Roux
fully split geometry and igfem mesh generation 
Sep 30 2015
de3be14b9a19Clement Roux
renaming the new_nodes array into intersection_points 
Sep 30 2015
1374f2ad80dbClement Roux
Merge branch 'master' of lsmssrv1.epfl.ch:akantu 
Sep 30 2015
c628220c8594Clement Roux
split geometry igfem mesh generation, and old way both working 
Sep 30 2015
a6bb3b424abeClement Roux
split geometrical operation and igfem mesh generation 
Sep 28 2015