Diffusion Gear deb175808b19

in cooling.c only the master read the cooling file (for…

Authored by yrevaz <yrevaz@67b3a02f-582b-4e65-a7f6-2b87bd0cff7a> on Jan 31 2011, 15:59.


in cooling.c only the master read the cooling file (for init_cooling_with_metals)

git-svn-id: https://svn.epfl.ch/svn/gasp@25 67b3a02f-582b-4e65-a7f6-2b87bd0cff7a

Event Timeline

yrevaz <yrevaz@67b3a02f-582b-4e65-a7f6-2b87bd0cff7a> committed rGEARdeb175808b19: in cooling.c only the master read the cooling file (for… (authored by yrevaz <yrevaz@67b3a02f-582b-4e65-a7f6-2b87bd0cff7a>).Jan 31 2011, 15:59