
Merge pull request #1686 from czechboy0/keep-scm-files

Authored by Brendan Forster <brendan@github.com> on Feb 26 2016, 01:18.


Merge pull request #1686 from czechboy0/keep-scm-files

Removed xccheckout and xcscmblueprint from Swift/Objc/Xcode

Event Timeline

Brendan Forster <brendan@github.com> committed rGITIGNORE0f4561614181: Merge pull request #1686 from czechboy0/keep-scm-files (authored by Brendan Forster <brendan@github.com>).Feb 26 2016, 01:18

Merged Changes

272913dd9d4cHonza Dvorsky
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:github/gitignore into keep-scm-files 
Feb 26 2016
daffb4f6bfe4Honza Dvorsky
Update Xcode.gitignore 
Oct 3 2015
74aa37bfa458Honza Dvorsky
Update Objective-C.gitignore 
Oct 3 2015
c02577acb039Honza Dvorsky
Update Swift.gitignore 
Oct 3 2015