
Merge pull request #2015 from assem-ch/patch-2

Authored by Brendan Forster <brendan@github.com> on Jun 13 2016, 01:05.


Merge pull request #2015 from assem-ch/patch-2

Create the gitignore for Bazaar version control system

Event Timeline

GitHub <noreply@github.com> committed rGITIGNORE7751c25c6662: Merge pull request #2015 from assem-ch/patch-2 (authored by Brendan Forster <brendan@github.com>).Jun 13 2016, 01:05

Merged Changes

4ac02fc2828aAssem Chelli / bigOTHER/GitHub
Create the gitignore for Bazaar version control system 
Jun 12 2016