
Merge pull request #905 from arinto/new-ignore-in-play-2.2.x

Authored by Adam Roben <adam@roben.org> on Jan 7 2014, 04:46.


Merge pull request #905 from arinto/new-ignore-in-play-2.2.x

Add "dist" and ".cache" folders for Play 2.2.x

Event Timeline

Adam Roben <adam@roben.org> committed rGITIGNOREc822fc24960c: Merge pull request #905 from arinto/new-ignore-in-play-2.2.x (authored by Adam Roben <adam@roben.org>).Jan 7 2014, 04:46

Merged Changes

5f10e3559880Arinto Murdopo
Add "dist" and ".cache" folders for Play 2.2.x Link: http://www.playframework. 
Dec 25 2013