
Merge pull request #438 from ChristianBoehlke/master

Authored by Carl Suster <carl@contraflo.ws> on Nov 6 2013, 04:11.


Merge pull request #438 from ChristianBoehlke/master

Add *.lol to LaTeX.gitignore: generated by the listing package (list of listings)

Event Timeline

Carl Suster <carl@contraflo.ws> committed rGITIGNOREde4f9eff4f2d: Merge pull request #438 from ChristianBoehlke/master (authored by Carl Suster <carl@contraflo.ws>).Nov 6 2013, 04:11

Merged Changes

5bb902ab460dChristian Boehlke
Add an extension to LaTeX.gitignore generated by listings: *.lol 
Sep 29 2012