
Added setup_pre_force, pack/unpack methods to FixRxKokkos.


Added setup_pre_force, pack/unpack methods to FixRxKokkos.

  • Added a kokkos version of setup_pre_force that only sets dvector and then communicates that.
  • Converted all for loops to parallel_for's in computeLocalTemperator() and setup_pre_force.
  • Added pack/unpack forward/reverse methods with Kokkos host views.


  • The Kokkos neighbor list is not working. Need to request a Kokkos neighbor list in ::init(). Then, replace objects like list->ilist[] with k_list->d_ilist().


Event Timeline

Christopher Stone <chris.stone@computational-science.com> committed rLAMMPS0d57a1d831e6: Added setup_pre_force, pack/unpack methods to FixRxKokkos. (authored by Christopher Stone <chris.stone@computational-science.com>).Feb 13 2017, 22:33