
Merge pull request #1 from akohlmey/pull-315

Authored by Stefan Paquay <stefanpaquay@gmail.com> on Jan 6 2017, 11:40.


Merge pull request #1 from akohlmey/pull-315

some formatting updates and text rewrites for your pull request

Event Timeline

GitHub <noreply@github.com> committed rLAMMPS1310438c8b39: Merge pull request #1 from akohlmey/pull-315 (authored by Stefan Paquay <stefanpaquay@gmail.com>).Jan 6 2017, 11:40

Merged Changes

fe14158c10b7Axel Kohlmeyer
some formatting updates and text rewrites in the "do not use git add -a" section 
Jan 4 2017