
Adding in Axel's special math functions that give about 2% speed-up on the…


Adding in Axel's special math functions that give about 2% speed-up on the rhodo problem.

git-svn-id: svn://svn.icms.temple.edu/lammps-ro/trunk@9311 f3b2605a-c512-4ea7-a41b-209d697bcdaa

Event Timeline

pscrozi <pscrozi@f3b2605a-c512-4ea7-a41b-209d697bcdaa> committed rLAMMPS30246e8dae99: Adding in Axel's special math functions that give about 2% speed-up on the… (authored by pscrozi <pscrozi@f3b2605a-c512-4ea7-a41b-209d697bcdaa>).Jan 24 2013, 00:13