
Merge pull request #226 from akohlmey/pair-gauss-mixing

Authored by sjplimp <sjplimp@sandia.gov> on Oct 19 2016, 16:37.


Merge pull request #226 from akohlmey/pair-gauss-mixing

add mixing support for pair styles gauss and gauss/cut

Event Timeline

GitHub <noreply@github.com> committed rLAMMPS393337e7cfa2: Merge pull request #226 from akohlmey/pair-gauss-mixing (authored by sjplimp <sjplimp@sandia.gov>).Oct 19 2016, 16:37

Merged Changes

7b7cb297e6beAxel Kohlmeyer
add mixing for pair styles gauss and gauss/cut contributed by andrew jewett. 
Oct 19 2016