
Merge branch 'integration' into fix-flow-gauss

Authored by Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com> on Aug 28 2016, 12:55.


Merge branch 'integration' into fix-flow-gauss

Event Timeline

Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com> committed rLAMMPS4e03df2d197b: Merge branch 'integration' into fix-flow-gauss (authored by Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com>).Aug 28 2016, 12:55

Merged Changes

Merge pull request #5 from akohlmey/initialize-pointers 
Aug 28 2016
3a1397dc7c36Steve Plimpton
sync with SVN 
Aug 28 2016
Merge pull request #9 from rbberger/remove_sha1sum_dependency 
Aug 28 2016
95aabdf51a96Richard Berger
Add MacOS X instructions to doc generation README 
Aug 26 2016
ea368919f3b5Richard Berger
Remove sha1sum dependency for doc generation 
Aug 26 2016
7d43f349e6d8Anders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in computes 
Aug 24 2016
5e811f16e87dAnders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in computes 
Aug 24 2016
fcd54f02e6b7Anders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in computes 
Aug 24 2016
1f3ef8e0ee5eAnders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in computes 
Aug 24 2016
3e793d6eb748Anders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in computes 
Aug 24 2016
95dde5c04128Anders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in computes 
Aug 24 2016
d09a85733bceAnders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in computes 
Aug 24 2016
0e7ce194eb7aAnders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in computes 
Aug 24 2016