
Merge branch 'halt2'

Authored by Steve Plimpton <sjplimp@sandia.gov> on Oct 18 2016, 19:16.


Merge branch 'halt2'

Event Timeline

Steve Plimpton <sjplimp@sandia.gov> committed rLAMMPS6eadd45c4567: Merge branch 'halt2' (authored by Steve Plimpton <sjplimp@sandia.gov>).Oct 18 2016, 19:16

Merged Changes

003581c6a80cSteve Plimpton
final changes to fix halt 
Oct 18 2016
1f1c87235a07Axel Kohlmeyer
add support for "error continue" option, which resets the timer timeout setting… 
Oct 18 2016
394c3bb50453Axel Kohlmeyer
add Timer::reset_timeout() API, that allows restoring the previous timeout… 
Oct 18 2016
954d536826eeSteve Plimpton
added bondmax method to fix halt 
Oct 18 2016
e7825ba21a0bAxel Kohlmeyer
import fix halt prototype code with corrections for soft exit 
Oct 15 2016
e77e1f6b8ea6Axel Kohlmeyer
replace complex solution to implement a soft exit with simpler one 
Oct 15 2016