
Merge branch 'doc-updates' of github.com:akohlmey/lammps into doc-updates

Authored by Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com> on Nov 11 2016, 13:44.


Merge branch 'doc-updates' of github.com:akohlmey/lammps into doc-updates

Event Timeline

Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com> committed rLAMMPS72b0841b28c1: Merge branch 'doc-updates' of github.com:akohlmey/lammps into doc-updates (authored by Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com>).Nov 11 2016, 13:44

Merged Changes

bfc478c32049Axel Kohlmeyer
simpler variant of the segfault workaround, that does not offend Clang c++. 
Nov 10 2016
2b75ee761defAxel Kohlmeyer
avoid segmentation fault, when creating a LAMMPS instance from the library… 
Nov 10 2016
352e177fcd83Axel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'master' into small-fixes-and-updates 
Nov 10 2016