
Merge branch 'merge-pull-153' into lammps-icms

Authored by Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com> on Aug 23 2016, 19:24.


Merge branch 'merge-pull-153' into lammps-icms

Submitted by Steven E. Strong via github
Contributing authors: Steven E. Strong and Joel D. Eaves Joel.Eaves@Colorado.edu

This branch implements Gaussian dynamics (GD), which is a method to do
nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations of steady-state flow. See
http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.6b00748. It is simple to implement
and derives rigorously from Gauss's principle of least constraint.

Event Timeline

Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com> committed rLAMMPS75929ee01b7c: Merge branch 'merge-pull-153' into lammps-icms (authored by Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com>).Aug 23 2016, 19:24

Merged Changes

9f1759481b3cAxel Kohlmeyer
correct include files format and add missing string.h 
Aug 23 2016
d08e79702603Axel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'add-fix-gaussFlow' of https://github.com/sstrong99/lammps into… 
Aug 23 2016
c1a6d2ec30dcSteven Strong
revised fix_flow_gauss 
Aug 23 2016
6c927a419da4Steven Strong
revised fix_flow_gauss 
Aug 23 2016
690158939564Steven Strong
revised fix_flow_gauss 
Aug 23 2016
36bc96ea6112Steven Strong
revised fix_flow_gauss 
Aug 23 2016
5a5a10c75ff5Steven Strong
revised fix_flow_gauss 
Aug 23 2016
06996d7782d9Steven Strong
revised fix_flow_gauss 
Aug 23 2016
2e7404c96c42Steven Strong
revised fix_flow_gauss 
Aug 23 2016
3309e9d3baf9Steven Strong
revised fix_flow_gauss 
Aug 23 2016
95755ba8b2e9Steven Strong
Added fix_gaussflow 
Aug 22 2016