
Fixed error->all instead of error->one bug in USER-DPD/fix_shardlow.cpp.


Fixed error->all instead of error->one bug in USER-DPD/fix_shardlow.cpp.

During dynamic load balancing, the subdomains will not be uniform so the
bbox size test in USER-DPD/fix_shardlow.cpp may only be called by one rank.
Using error->one allows any rank to stop the simulation in this scenario.
Added rcut and bbox information to help in diagnostics.

Event Timeline

Christopher Stone <chris.stone@computational-science.com> committed rLAMMPS8503ac22a859: Fixed error->all instead of error->one bug in USER-DPD/fix_shardlow.cpp. (authored by Christopher Stone <chris.stone@computational-science.com>).Jan 5 2017, 19:58