
Merge branch 'lammps-icms' of git://git.icms.temple.edu/lammps-icms into lammps…

Authored by Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com> on Jul 27 2013, 12:24.


Merge branch 'lammps-icms' of git://git.icms.temple.edu/lammps-icms into lammps-icms

Event Timeline

Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com> committed rLAMMPS8b6141dad09a: Merge branch 'lammps-icms' of git://git.icms.temple.edu/lammps-icms into lammps… (authored by Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com>).Jul 27 2013, 12:24

Merged Changes

9f10e0b68e12Axel Kohlmeyer
update list of documentation files 
Jul 27 2013
e4db22484308Axel Kohlmeyer
remove obsolete files 
Jul 27 2013