
Merge branch 'lammps-icms' of bitbucket.org:akohlmey/lammps-icms into lammps…

Authored by Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com> on Sep 8 2014, 18:51.


Merge branch 'lammps-icms' of bitbucket.org:akohlmey/lammps-icms into lammps-icms

Event Timeline

Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com> committed rLAMMPSa03b2c0add50: Merge branch 'lammps-icms' of bitbucket.org:akohlmey/lammps-icms into lammps… (authored by Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com>).Sep 8 2014, 18:51

Merged Changes

bd33416c67b6Axel Kohlmeyer
update list of doc files to be included. 
Sep 7 2014
b478aebd4aebAxel Kohlmeyer
update list of ignored files 
Sep 7 2014
dc3d8189c792Axel Kohlmeyer
remove broken files that are not likely to be completed 
Sep 7 2014
a71516a2920cAxel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'lammps-icms' of bitbucket.org:akohlmey/lammps-icms into lammps… 
Sep 7 2014
8bbd2fc60ed5Axel Kohlmeyer
rename bench-accel directory 
Sep 7 2014
4ce5622932a0Axel Kohlmeyer
removing outdated tests and attempts at a regression suite 
Sep 7 2014

Very Large Commit

This commit is very large, and affects more than 1000 files. Changes are not shown.