
Merge branch 'merge-pull-104' into lammps-icms

Authored by Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com> on Jun 23 2016, 13:21.


Merge branch 'merge-pull-104' into lammps-icms

updates citation entries for styles in USER-MANIFOLD

Event Timeline

Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com> committed rLAMMPSa0cadae11ebd: Merge branch 'merge-pull-104' into lammps-icms (authored by Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com>).Jun 23 2016, 13:21

Merged Changes

6fa216d96cbeAxel Kohlmeyer
add missing newline characters 
Jun 23 2016
67c60a3ac725Axel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'update-user-manifold' of https://github.com/Pakketeretet2/lammps… 
Jun 23 2016
eaa3e82aff1aStefan Paquay
Forgot closing quotes. 
Jun 23 2016
20681bac1a63Stefan Paquay
Fixed bibtex entry to be proper bibtex. 
Jun 23 2016
987f7f19c80cStefan Paquay
removed morse soft from wrong branch. 
Jun 23 2016
455c123191c4Stefan Paquay
Fixed the citation to be a valid bibtex format. 
Jun 21 2016
3ea4562a598aStefan Paquay
removed ramp again. 
Jun 10 2016
d853ac5fd85fStefan Paquay
Updated pair_morse_soft to have a smoother ramp for lf < l < 1. 
Jun 10 2016