
Merge branch 'lammps-icms' into lammps-colvars

Authored by Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com> on Jun 12 2012, 16:12.


Merge branch 'lammps-icms' into lammps-colvars


Event Timeline

Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com> committed rLAMMPSa8597772cc79: Merge branch 'lammps-icms' into lammps-colvars (authored by Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com>).Jun 12 2012, 16:12

Merged Changes

66dc359da342Axel Kohlmeyer
minor cleanup 
Jun 12 2012
6ee53aa433c4Axel Kohlmeyer
minor cleanups 
Jun 12 2012
a3ed749f6c44Axel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'lammps-icms' into read_dump 
Jun 12 2012
20d00043b182Axel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'master' into lammps-icms 
Jun 12 2012
1b1997deec97Axel Kohlmeyer
add test example for using "rerun" and "read_dump" 
Jun 12 2012
c709d3d76e0eAxel Kohlmeyer
correct logic for checking against boxflag and triclinic 
Jun 12 2012
c6f0b7590ba7Axel Kohlmeyer
smarter handling of the no boxinfo case. now enforce proper input. 
Jun 12 2012
30eba5424372Axel Kohlmeyer
include new reader commands with support for xyz included 
Jun 12 2012
8ec30a149a51Axel Kohlmeyer
implement read dump support for .xyz file (currently replacing native). 
Jun 12 2012
git-svn-id: svn://svn.icms.temple.edu/lammps-ro/trunk@8258 f3b2605a-c512-4ea7… 
Jun 12 2012
git-svn-id: svn://svn.icms.temple.edu/lammps-ro/trunk@8256 f3b2605a-c512-4ea7… 
Jun 11 2012
git-svn-id: svn://svn.icms.temple.edu/lammps-ro/trunk@8255 f3b2605a-c512-4ea7… 
Jun 11 2012
git-svn-id: svn://svn.icms.temple.edu/lammps-ro/trunk@8253 f3b2605a-c512-4ea7… 
Jun 11 2012
git-svn-id: svn://svn.icms.temple.edu/lammps-ro/trunk@8252 f3b2605a-c512-4ea7… 
Jun 11 2012
b015d64506ccAxel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'lammps-molfile' into lammps-icms 
Jun 10 2012
a5293661fa72Axel Kohlmeyer
work around division by zero exception 
Jun 10 2012
209e13e4e3bcAxel Kohlmeyer
remove tester for first release 
Jun 10 2012
bb891798de97Axel Kohlmeyer
fix a few small issues. 
Jun 10 2012
2bb86c10cdedAxel Kohlmeyer
add first stab at documentation for dump molfile 
Jun 9 2012
7bd3c2a4c1caAxel Kohlmeyer
update information about LAMMPS vs. VMD. 
Jun 9 2012
a49a33395616Axel Kohlmeyer
update README file 
Jun 9 2012
49c109568659Axel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'lammps-icms' into lammps-molfile 
Jun 9 2012
5c2442cd63ffAxel Kohlmeyer
adjust USER-CUDA for changes in upstream due to rerun command and thermo 
Jun 9 2012
624cf4856b26Axel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'lammps-icms' into lammps-molfile 
Jun 9 2012
65abdfc559adAxel Kohlmeyer
Jun 9 2012
e5014776d3a2Axel Kohlmeyer
support some per atom properties for molfile plugins fix stupid parallel bug. 
Jun 9 2012
8355981c1870Axel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'lammps-icms' into lammps-molfile 
Jun 8 2012
5e448a8c04ecAxel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'lammps-icms' into lammps-molfile 
Jun 8 2012
bb89c5969dfeAxel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'lammps-icms' into lammps-molfile 
Jun 3 2012
b666d3083dd5Axel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'lammps-icms' into lammps-molfile 
Jun 1 2012
a9a06178fab9Axel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'lammps-icms' into lammps-molfile 
Jun 1 2012
216fc89f482eAxel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'lammps-icms' into lammps-molfile 
May 28 2012
6a7f87dfa0a3Axel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'lammps-icms' into lammps-molfile 
May 25 2012
0394f8d2a174Axel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'lammps-icms' into lammps-molfile 
May 25 2012
d917b1d43ba1Axel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'lammps-icms' into lammps-molfile 
May 24 2012
b0b95ee41a0dAxel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'lammps-icms' into lammps-molfile 
May 23 2012
3be9d2af3282Axel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'lammps-icms' into lammps-molfile 
May 22 2012
6b6e966d1a4bAxel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'lammps-icms' into lammps-molfile 
May 18 2012
a28a4a85b709Axel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'lammps-icms' into lammps-molfile 
May 16 2012
a5a4043eedd2Axel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'lammps-icms' into lammps-molfile 
May 13 2012
f1c81a600599Axel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'lammps-icms' into lammps-molfile 
May 12 2012
dba8ef573f6fAxel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'lammps-icms' into lammps-molfile 
May 9 2012
dc85a5a20113Axel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'lammps-icms' into lammps-molfile 
May 6 2012
b93b972ee1f2Axel Kohlmeyer
prepare for handling additional structure data 
May 5 2012
8070e5758c9cAxel Kohlmeyer
update tester makefile for complete library 
May 5 2012
82750de8b07bAxel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'lammps-icms' into lammps-molfile 
May 5 2012
d613caca5cbfAxel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'lammps-icms' into lammps-molfile 
May 4 2012
9ef78bf266d2Axel Kohlmeyer
prepare for collecting and writing out more atomic data 
May 4 2012