
Merge branch 'fixes/doc-converters' of https://github.com/rbberger/lammps into…

Authored by Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com> on Jun 1 2016, 19:46.


Merge branch 'fixes/doc-converters' of https://github.com/rbberger/lammps into merge-pull-68

Event Timeline

Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com> committed rLAMMPSb9a44c2d0341: Merge branch 'fixes/doc-converters' of https://github.com/rbberger/lammps into… (authored by Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com>).Jun 1 2016, 19:46

Merged Changes

8b1cf00d21e1Richard Berger
Ensure the correct list mode is detected 
Jun 1 2016
ced2910e12c9Richard Berger
Add missing newline to ordered and unordered lists 
Jun 1 2016