
when compiling with fftw3, use the fftw3 provided malloc wrappers instead of…

Authored by Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com> on May 16 2010, 00:37.


when compiling with fftw3, use the fftw3 provided malloc wrappers instead of the default malloc. those will guarantee proper memory alignment. that will not only help fftw, but all dynamical memory that may be used for vectorized optimizations.


Event Timeline

Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com> committed rLAMMPSd85c595d0b4b: when compiling with fftw3, use the fftw3 provided malloc wrappers instead of… (authored by Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com>).May 16 2010, 00:37