
USER-DPD: Split the SSA stencil and neighbor list into subphases. NOTE: pair…

Authored by Tim Mattox <timothy.mattox@engilitycorp.com> on Jan 30 2017, 20:32.


USER-DPD: Split the SSA stencil and neighbor list into subphases. NOTE: pair evaluation order changes, causing numerical differences! This enables processing neighbors in subphase groups that enforce a geometrical seperation of pairs, allowing greater parallelism once fix_shardlow (SSA) is converted to Kokkos.


Event Timeline

Tim Mattox <timothy.mattox@engilitycorp.com> committed rLAMMPSee83b755eae4: USER-DPD: Split the SSA stencil and neighbor list into subphases. NOTE: pair… (authored by Tim Mattox <timothy.mattox@engilitycorp.com>).Feb 22 2017, 21:08