
Merge pull request #267 from akohlmey/pager-help

Authored by sjplimp <sjplimp@sandia.gov> on Nov 9 2016, 19:53.


Merge pull request #267 from akohlmey/pager-help

use pager for help message, if connected to stdout

Event Timeline

GitHub <noreply@github.com> committed rLAMMPSeef862ee1c47: Merge pull request #267 from akohlmey/pager-help (authored by sjplimp <sjplimp@sandia.gov>).Nov 9 2016, 19:53

Merged Changes

21694ca3a843Axel Kohlmeyer
improve help and it through a pager, when screen == stdout 
Nov 7 2016
9b910d5511b1Axel Kohlmeyer
make name of the actual executable (i.e. arg[0]) accessible 
Nov 7 2016