
Conpherence - get lots of rooms stuff hooked up nicely

Authored by Bob Trahan <btrahan@phacility.com> on Mar 27 2015, 00:37.


Conpherence - get lots of rooms stuff hooked up nicely

Ref T7566. This does a big chunk of what's left

  • Main view
    • "Rooms" sub header
      • 5 Rooms shown at a time, with room you're looking at in the top on page load
        • e.g. viewing /conpherence/x/ the room x is at top always
        • solves corner case of when you have yet to "join" the room
      • "See More" link takes you to application search for rooms you have participated in
      • if no rooms, there is a "Create Room" and "Find Rooms" links.
    • "Messages" sub header
      • same as before
    • policy icons showing up in the menu
  • Durable column view - still just the latest N, no changes really there
  • Transactions - special cased rendering to try to say room vs thread as appropos
  • Bug fix - we weren't recording the initial participants transaction post D12177 / D12163. This fixes that.

Should probably test pagination, and if you want to show more than 5 rooms of have it behave more like messages (where you can wind up in the middle of a paginated list) that will be more work. Also, if lots of messages / rooms (100 is the limit) we might not display rooms if we're supposed to. Yay whale usage! :D

Test Plan: made a new room - success. made a new message - success. viewed a room from /conpherenece/room/ i wasn't a participant in and noted it showed up at the top of the five rooms. clicked around rooms and stuff loaded nicely.

Reviewers: chad, epriestley

Reviewed By: epriestley

Subscribers: Korvin, epriestley

Maniphest Tasks: T7566

Differential Revision: https://secure.phabricator.com/D12178


Bob Trahan <btrahan@phacility.com>Mar 27 2015, 00:37
aubortJan 31 2017, 17:16
rPH9005ce4e9ff0: Fix first new edited message in full Conpherence spacing

Event Timeline

Bob Trahan <btrahan@phacility.com> committed rPH39fa190c15ce: Conpherence - get lots of rooms stuff hooked up nicely (authored by Bob Trahan <btrahan@phacility.com>).Mar 27 2015, 00:37