
Add convertionFactorTo() and into() in the UnitSystem class. Some usefull…

Authored by yrevaz <yrevaz@f1771ac9-52fb-4361-9f77-cbfb7563c7d4> on May 23 2011, 17:32.


Add convertionFactorTo() and into() in the UnitSystem class. Some usefull examples are given in examples/units/

Add also some files that were missing...

git-svn-id: https://svn.epfl.ch/svn/pnbody@68 f1771ac9-52fb-4361-9f77-cbfb7563c7d4

Event Timeline

yrevaz <yrevaz@f1771ac9-52fb-4361-9f77-cbfb7563c7d4> committed rPNBODY971b84fe2def: Add convertionFactorTo() and into() in the UnitSystem class. Some usefull… (authored by yrevaz <yrevaz@f1771ac9-52fb-4361-9f77-cbfb7563c7d4>).May 23 2011, 17:32