The UI Customization Workflow Development Environment
Package documentation
The development package allows you to configure :
- css
- images
- html
- JavaScript
- The root directory of the package should be named either by the viewCode or CENTRAL_PACKAGE in case of a consortia level package
- Whether you develop a consortia level package or a view level package the process remains the same
- Once deployed the hierarchy is as follows:
- For css - use the cascading ability of css and load the consortia level (CENTRAL_PACKAGE) css first and the view level css afterwards
- For images and html - the system checks for every file if it exists in each level - and prefers the view level file if exists
- For JavaScript - the two package types define 2 different Angular modules:
- `var app = angular.module('viewCustom', ['angularLoad']);`
- `var app = angular.module('centralCustom', ['angularLoad']);`
and loads both of the modules,
- For each configuration type there is a specified folder in the custom package folder (that can be downloaded form your Primo Back Office)
- In each folder you will find a specific file with recipes/examples.
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