The Primo New UI Customization Workflow Development Environment
JavaScript documentation
- When you want to add functionality to your Primo installation you will be using Angular Directives.
- To learn more about directives see:
- Primo uses external directives from the Angular-material framework:
- Those directives are tagged by a prefix : "md-"
- Primo also creates its own directives which are tagged by the "prm-" prefix.
<header layout="column" layout-fill class="topbar-wrapper"> <prm-topbar> </prm-topbar> <prm-search-bar (search-event)="prmSearch.onSearchBarSearchEvent()"> </prm-search-bar> <md-progress-linear class="header-progress-bar animation-scale-up-down" md-mode="indeterminate" ng-show="prmSearch.searchInProgress"> </md-progress-linear> </header>
- You can see in the example how we use :
- An HTML5 tag - header
- A Primo directive : prm-topbar , prm-search-bar.
- An external material design directive : md-progress-bar :
- When You want to add your own JavaScript functionality - you will need to plug-in to placeholder Directives we added to the system.
- Those directive are added as the last child element for every Primo directive (defined by the prm- prefix)
- The placeholder directives are injected (as input) with the Controller of their parent, thus have access to the data model of the parent directive
- Use the examples below as starting points for your JavaScript plug-in directives
- Learn about Angular Directives to better understand the different abilities this workflow offers
JavaScript Recipe 1 - a Static hello world html Message
- Use the showDirectives (located in the root directory of this package is the showDirectives.txt file
, just add the content of the file as a bookmark to your browser) scriplet to identify the prmSearchBarAfter directive which you will plugin to
- Edit the primo-explore/custom/js/custom.js file and add a component declaration for the prmSearchBarAfter directive
` app.component('prmSearchBarAfter', {
}); ```
- Add the template property with your static message
` app.component('prmSearchBarAfter', { template: <span style="margin-left: 40%;">Hello World</span>
}); `
- Save and refresh your browser
- JavaScript Recipe 2 - a Dynamic Directive
- Use the showDirectives scriplet to identify the prmSearchBarAfter directive which you will plugin to
- Run the following command in your browsers' console tab:
- Focus on the prmSearchBarAfter directive
- Run the following command in your browsers' console tab:
- Review the properties of the directive to decide which data elements can be used, avoid methods/functions as they wont be backwards compatible
- Edit primo-explore/custom/js/custom.js file and add a component declaration for the prmSearchBarAfter directive
- Add a binding definition the input parentCtrl
bindings: {parentCtrl: '<'},
- Add a controller definition:
controller: 'SearchAfterController',
- Define a controller with 2 getter methods to return the query and selected scope
app.controller('SearchBarAfterController', [function () { var vm = this; vm.getSelectdScope = getSelectdScope; vm.getQuery = getQuery; function getSelectdScope() { return vm.parentCtrl.scopeField; } function getQuery() { return vm.parentCtrl.mainSearchField; }
- Edit the directive template to reference the getter methods
<div layout="row" layout-align="center center"> <md-card flex="80"> <md-card-title> <md-card-title-text><span class="md-headline"> This is a demo presenting the ability to display query information below the search box</span> <span class="md-subhead">Query: {{$ctrl.getQuery()}}</span> <span class="md-subhead">Scope: {{$ctrl.getSelectdScope()}}</span> </md-card-title-text> <md-card-title-media> <div class="md-media-sm card-media"></div> </md-card-title-media> </md-card-title> <md-card-actions layout="row" layout-align="end center"> <md-button>Action 1</md-button> <md-button>Action 2</md-button> </md-card-actions> </md-card> </div>
- Save and refresh your browser
- JavaScript Recipe 3 - Adding the Altmetrics Widget
- Use the showDirectives scriplet to identify the prmFullViewAfter directive which you will plugin to
- Run the following command in your browsers' console tab:
- Focus on the prmFullViewAfter directive
- Run the following command in your browsers' console tab:
- Review the properties of the directive to decide which data elements can be used, avoid methods/functions as they wont be backwards compatible
- Edit primo-explore/custom/js/custom.js file and add a component declaration for the prmFullViewAfter directive
- Add a binding definition the input parentCtrl
bindings: {parentCtrl: '<'},
- Add a controller definition:
controller: 'FullViewAfterController',
- Define a controller that populates the doi and loads the Altmetrics js file
app.controller('FullViewAfterController', ['angularLoad', function (angularLoad) { var vm = this; vm.doi = vm.parentCtrl.item.pnx.addata.doi[0] || ''; vm.$onInit = function () { angularLoad.loadScript('' + () { }); }; }]);
- Edit the directive template to add the Altmetrics div and bind the data-doi attribure to the controller
<div class="full-view-section-content" ng-if="$ctrl.doi"> <div class="section-header" layout="row" layout-align="center center"> <h2 class="section-title md-title light-text"> Social Popularity Statistics (AltMetrics) : </h2> <md-divider flex> </md-divider> </div> <div class="full-view-section"> <div class="full-view-section-content"> <div class="section-body" layout="row" layout-align="center center"> <div class="spaced-rows" layout="column"> <div ng-if="$ctrl.doi" class="altmetric-embed" data-badge-type="medium-donut" data-badge-details="right" data-doi="{{$ctrl.doi}}"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
- Save and refresh your browser
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