BonePro package is the contianerized computational pipeline for biomechanical analysis. This package was started with EnhanceR BonePro Evaluation project and currently is being developed under EnhanceR BonePro Implementation.
Diffusion bonepro (master)
Recent Commits
Recent Commits
Commit | Author | Details | Committed | ||||
eb8aedd61366 | jarunan | update | May 13 2019 | ||||
99ad4867b940 | jarunan | first commit | Nov 20 2018 |
BonePro container contains environment to run tools in bone biomechanics analysis.
- CentOS 7.6
- gcc 4.8.5
- Python 2.7.5
- Numpy 1.9.2
- Scipy 0.13.2
- Calculix
- Using the BonePro Container with Singularity ##
- Install Singularity on your system <br> for more details:
- CentOS ` $ sudo yum install -y epel-release $ sudo yum install -y singularity `
- Debian/Ubuntu ` $ sudo wget -O- | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/neurodebian.sources.list $ sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver hkp:// 0xA5D32F012649A5A9 $ sudo apt-get update $ apt-get install -y singularity-container `
- Download a Vagrant package from
- Install the Vagrant package
- Download and install VirtualBox
- Create a virtualbox (a virtualbox per folder) ` $ mkdir virtualbox0/ $ cd virtualbox0 $ vagrant init centos/7 `
- Look at "Vagrantfile" ` Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "centos/7"
config.vm.synced_folder "../data", "/vagrant_data"
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb| vb.memory = "1024" end ` - to start the virtualbox
- Spin up the virtualbox $ vagrant up
- Log in to the virtualbox $ vagrant ssh
- Install Singularity as in CentOS7
- to stop the virtualbox
- Log out $ exit
- Shutdown the virtualbox $ vagrant destroy
- Test the installation ` $ singularity pull shub://vsoch/hello-world $ singularity run vsoch-hello-world-master-latest.simg `
- Pull and build a bonepro image on your local machine ` $ singularity build bonepro-centos76-calculix.simg docker:// `
- Run the container ` $ singularity exec bonepro-centos76-calculix.simg `
- Developing the BonePro Container with Docker ##
- Install Docker (
- Download bonepro ` $ git clone `
- Build a docker image ` $ cd bonepro/container/ $ docker build -t container-image-name:tag . ` The container images can be pushed to the public Dockerhub. Therefore, container-image-name:tag shall be named yourdockerhubusername/image-name:tag <br> To prepare the image for pushing to a public registry on, container-image-name:tag can be named, for example, ` ` When you type ` $ docker images -a ` you should see the images list ` REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE container-name tag 939078176e11 4 weeks ago 4.55GB `
- Push the image to a registry ` $ docker push container-image-name:tag `
- Run docker in bash mode ` $ docker run -it container-image-name:tag /bin/bash `
- Run the docker conainter. Before running the command, set the correct paths to data, medtool and scripts. ` $ docker run \ -v /path/to/data:/mnt/data \ -v /path/to/medtool_functions:/mnt/medtool \ -v /path/to/scripts:/mnt/scripts \ boneproapp \ python2.7 \ /mnt/scripts/ \ /mnt/medtool \ /mnt/data/D_FEA_PRE_179/C0002234.AIM \ 3 yes 0.3 local `
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