This is the plugin version of DEVILS
Recent Commits
Commit | Author | Details | Committed | ||||
8919cb6e952b | oburri | changes default output directory to DEVILS | Apr 12 2018 | ||||
215071fe25fa | oburri | Updates DEVILS location in ImageJ's menu | Mar 8 2018 | ||||
5924130ba211 | oburri | Update pom and git | Mar 8 2018 | ||||
27059e21cef4 | romainGuiet | latest jar | Mar 8 2018 | ||||
7289e0cc5d17 | romainGuiet | Merge branch 'master' of | Mar 8 2018 | ||||
ce5d7bf4ae84 | romainGuiet | change name to DEVILS | Mar 8 2018 | ||||
e1bdc648e27c | oburri | Making sure SNAPSHOT is removed again | Feb 1 2018 | ||||
2a78499de837 | oburri | Changes order of image dimension names for final file | Feb 1 2018 | ||||
22af0ae521d9 | romainGuiet | add output folder in advanced param and fix 16 or 32-bit option when call in… | Oct 23 2017 | ||||
da11701a194f | romainGuiet | Merge branch 'withScaleDown' (actually correct subtract background) | Sep 29 2017 | ||||
3f82979bf704 | romainGuiet | added comments | Sep 29 2017 | ||||
1458f05fa7a7 | romainGuiet | bullshit | Sep 27 2017 | ||||
f9ba72045bed | romainGuiet | IDK | Sep 27 2017 | ||||
075ed1920dc3 | romainGuiet | IDK | Sep 27 2017 | ||||
0292448b9998 | romainGuiet | Correction BUG substract background | Sep 26 2017 |
This is an example Maven project implementing an ImageJ 1.x plugin.
It is intended as an ideal starting point to develop new ImageJ 1.x plugins in an IDE of your choice. You can even collaborate with developers using a different IDE than you.
- In Eclipse, for example, it is as simple as _File>Import...>Existing Maven Project_.
- In NetBeans, it is even simpler: _File>Open Project_.
- The same works in IntelliJ.
- If jEdit is your preferred IDE, you will need the Maven Plugin.
Die-hard command-line developers can use Maven directly by calling mvn in the project root.
However you build the project, in the end you will have the .jar file (called *artifact* in Maven speak) in the target/ subdirectory.
To copy the artifact into the correct place, you can call mvn This will not only copy your artifact, but also all the dependencies. Restart your ImageJ or call *Help>Refresh Menus* to see your plugin in the menus.
Developing plugins in an IDE is convenient, especially for debugging. To that end, the plugin contains a main method which sets the plugins.dir system property (so that the plugin is added to the Plugins menu), starts ImageJ, loads an image and runs the plugin. See also this page for information how ImageJ makes it easier to debug in IDEs.
Since this project is intended as a starting point for your own developments, it is in the public domain.
How to use this project as a starting point
- git clone git://, or
- unpack
- Edit the pom.xml file. Every entry should be pretty self-explanatory. In particular, change
- the *artifactId* (NOTE: should contain a '_' character)
- the *groupId*, ideally to a reverse domain name your organization owns
- the *version* (note that you typically want to use a version number ending in *-SNAPSHOT* to mark it as a work in progress rather than a final version)
- the *dependencies* (read how to specify the correct *groupId/artifactId/version* triplet here)
- the *developer* information
- the *scm* information
- Remove the file and add your own .java files to src/main/java/<package>/ (if you need supporting files -- like icons
- in the resulting .jar file, put them into src/main/resources/)
- Edit src/main/resources/plugins.config
- Replace the contents of with information about your project.
If you cloned the example-legacy-plugin repository, you probably want to publish the result in your own repository:
- Call git status to verify .gitignore lists all the files (or file patterns) that should be ignored
- Call git add . and git add -u to stage the current files for commit
- Call git commit or git gui to commit the changes
- Create a new GitHub repository
- git remote set-url origin<username>/<projectname>
- git push origin HEAD
Eclipse: To ensure that Maven copies the plugin to your ImageJ folder
- Go to _Run Configurations..._
- Choose _Maven Build_
- Add the following parameter:
- name:
- value: /path/to/
This ensures that the final .jar file will also be copied to your ImageJ plugins folder everytime you run the Maven Build