This directory has source files to build a library that LAMMPS links against when using the USER-CUDA package.
When you are done building this library, two files should exist in this directory:
liblammpscuda.a the library LAMMPS will link against Makefile.lammps settings the LAMMPS Makefile will import
The latter file will have settings like this (can be omitted if blank):
user-cuda_SYSINC = -I$(CUDA_INSTALL_PATH)/include user-cuda_SYSLIB = -lcuda -lcudart -lrt user-cuda_SYSPATH = -L$(CUDA_INSTALL_PATH)/lib64 -L$(CUDA_INSTALL_PATH)/lib $(CUDA_USRLIB_CONDITIONAL)
SYSINC is for settings needed to compile LAMMPS source files SYSLIB is for additional system libraries needed by this package SYSPATH is the path(s) to where those libraries are
You must insure these settings are correct for your system, else the LAMMPS build will likely fail.
Christian - there needs to additional info here about how to build the lammpscuda lib.