Diffusion weightmatrices (master)
Recent Commits
Recent Commits
Commit | Author | Details | Committed | ||||
20a318463050 | illing | updated README with abbrevation explanation | Jun 23 2020 | ||||
41f20e7f478b | illing | changed defaults for sc | Jun 23 2020 | ||||
8ffc99eafac8 | illing | fixed bug in main.py. first running version | Jun 23 2020 | ||||
86755eee0ae1 | illing | finished implementing all standard methods | Jun 22 2020 | ||||
6c21755e2021 | illing | updated env | Jun 19 2020 | ||||
5548334f08b9 | illing | started on sc and ica | Jun 19 2020 | ||||
1b2f7007797c | illing | modified README. added gitignore | Jun 19 2020 | ||||
eeed7b978779 | illing | initial commit. pca working | Jun 19 2020 |
Creation for weight matrices for initialising the first layer of a neural network
Implemented methods
- PCA: Principal Component Analysis
- ICA: Independent Component Analysis
- SC: Sparse Coding (Dictionary Learning with positive code)
- RG: Random Gabor filters (Gabor filters with randomly drawn parameters)
- RP: Random Projections drawn from a Gaussian distribution
All weight matrices are normalised such that the input vector (receptive field) of each unit in the hidden layer is normalised to L2-norm = 1.
Dependencies & Environment
- Conda needs to be installed
- Setup the conda environment weightmatrices by running:
` bash setup_dependencies.sh `
- To run the main script(s) that produce the weight matrices run:
` bash run.sh `
If you want to directly run main.py to use command line args (e.g. python main.py --methods 'pca' --nhidden 10 25), do not forget to activate the environment by running:
` conda activate weightmatrices `
By default, Datasets are downloaded and put into a /datasets directory. To avoid this you can:
- Change the root variable in the torchvision data loader function.
- Create the /datasets folder and corresponding subfolder and put the datasets (or a link) in there.
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