Here's a quick how to install Arcanist in Windows. If you want to install it on GNU/Linux or MacOSX, take a look here: [[c4science/arcanist]].
## Install Git Bash
- Install Git Bash for Windows from here:
## Install PHP
- Download PHP (5.6 thread-safe preferred):
- Unzip to `C:\PHP`
- Copy php.ini-development to php.ini in that same directory.
- Open php.ini
- Locate the line ;extension=php_curl.dll. Remove the ; to activate this extension.
- Locate the line ; extension_dir = "ext" and change it to extension_dir = "C:\PHP\ext"
- Install Visual C++ from here:
- Open Git Bash, setup your PATH: `echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/c/PHP/' >> .bashrc`
- Close Git Bash and reopen it, test that php works: `php --version`
## Install Arcanist
- Open Git Bash and run
git clone
git clone
echo "PATH=\$PATH:$HOME/arcanist/bin" >> .bashrc
arc help
- To configure Arcanist, take a look at the general guide: [[c4science/arcanist/#authenticate-arcanist-to|Configure arc]]