
BibCirculation: 'cancelled' status for ILL request

Authored by Jaime Garcia Llopis <jaime.garcia.llopis@cern.ch> on Oct 19 2010, 17:15.


BibCirculation: 'cancelled' status for ILL request

  • ILL status added: 'cancelled' both for article and book requests.
  • When returning a book, if it has no holdings, go to 'return' page by pressing any key.
  • Alert when making a loan and the book is not 'on shelf'.
  • Alert when making a loan and the book is not in Central Library (only for CERN site).
  • Simplify loan process: no confirmation needed.
  • Simplify link in email notification for new loans and requests.


Event Timeline

Jaime Garcia Llopis <jaime.garcia.llopis@cern.ch> committed R3600:388d4d6f2ff5: BibCirculation: 'cancelled' status for ILL request (authored by Jaime Garcia Llopis <jaime.garcia.llopis@cern.ch>).Jan 17 2011, 17:15