
WebSearch: cites/refs not calculated for CERN site

Authored by Ludmila Marian <ludmila.marian@gmail.com> on Nov 10 2010, 15:34.


WebSearch: cites/refs not calculated for CERN site

  • The calculation of the number of citations is done only if CFG_BIBRANK_SHOW_CITATION_STATS is set.
  • The calculation of the number of references is not done if CFG_CERN_SITE is set.


Event Timeline

Tibor Simko <tibor.simko@cern.ch> committed R3600:d3812f6e62b9: WebSearch: cites/refs not calculated for CERN site (authored by Ludmila Marian <ludmila.marian@gmail.com>).Nov 19 2010, 15:11