
WebSearch: manifold SPIRES syntax bugfixes

Authored by Travis Brooks <travis@slac.stanford.edu> on Apr 1 2010, 07:57.


WebSearch: manifold SPIRES syntax bugfixes

  • Correct exactauthor/author or'ing behavior (closes:#14512)
  • accept "f" as an abbrev for find (SPIRES did)
  • find title this and that -> title:this and title:that (closes: #14028)
  • Complete name variant truncation for first and middle names.
  • protecting quotes in exact author, so ea does not overwrite exactauthor searches produced in author
  • Parens wrap the full search produced by author searching (closes:#13986)
  • New Test cases for exact author, double last names, multiple middle initials, single names
  • All tests pass (some from rewriting the tests, some from fixing the code)


Event Timeline

Tibor Simko <tibor.simko@cern.ch> committed R3600:d93c2291e8c1: WebSearch: manifold SPIRES syntax bugfixes (authored by Travis Brooks <travis@slac.stanford.edu>).Apr 7 2010, 23:39